Only 1% of LinkedIn Users Write Content. What’s Up With The Other 99%?

Overcoming the challenges

Veronica Llorca-Smith 🍋
Published in
6 min readAug 7, 2023


Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

Jumping on the LinkedIn train

LinkedIn was founded in 2002. Today, it has over 900 million users, yet only around 1% of them create content. Why?

I have been a member myself for over ten years, yet I only started publishing content in July 2022. Most professionals are in the same boat: they have a passive account that only gets some love when they need a job or when it’s time to announce a promotion or a new job. Many love celebrating their 10-year anniversary as an accountant in the same company triggering dozens of “likes” while people are secretly yawning.

I became a huge advocate of LinkedIn because it has unlocked a world of opportunities I never dreamed of, from public speaking invites to business partnerships, appearances in magazines, and more. I built my entire business through LinkedIn, and I love writing about it because you probably belong to the 99% who haven’t jumped on the wagon — yet.

